Pre Order Negroni


We are so flattered that our extremely talented friends The Appletons have asked us to collaborate with them in making the most beautiful pre-mixed Negroni in the world.


So may we introduce you to Negroni Rosa, made from equal parts Organic Rose Gin, Quaglia Berto Bitter and Antica Quaglia Vermouth Berto Bianco. Drink this over plenty of ice, a good squeeze of fresh orange and a wedge of orange to serve… let the ice melt a little and the Negroni will do its thing. There is nothing quite like it, smooth, complex, balanced, silky and quite frankly bloody gorgeous.


And this handsome chap is Mr Negroni made from equal parts Caspyn Gin, Berto Bitter and Antica Quaglia vermouth Berto Rosso. Bitter, sweet and boozy… like most men.

Pre order Negroni just in time for negroni week!